Friday, February 1, 2013

CouchSurfing - What? How? Why? When? Where? PART 1

So in this post, I will talk about Couchsurfing. I had so many amazing experiences from Couchsurfing, and I HIGHLY recommend it to you.

Couchsurfing is a web community of over 5 million members in 97,000 cities. Their mission is to create inspiring experiences. Just like you can get from the word COUCH and SURFING, you are actually surfing on other people’s couch when you are traveling. But it doesn’t limited to couches; you may also have your own bed or your own room. And it’s all free.

How does it work? Why is it free? You need to register an account on their website and then you will have the access to host other people or apply for couches. Personally, I treat Couchsurfing as a good way to connect with different people from different cultures rather than just a cheap way to save your hotel money. As a host, you can contribute to it by choosing your couch status- Yes/Maybe/Not right now, but I can hang out. So it means even if you are not travelling, you can meet new people by hosting them. And believe me, everyone has amazing stories to share with you.

For suggestions to guests, I will post it in Part 2.


  1. This sounds so cool! I can't wait to read about your experiences in your upcoming posts!

  2. I had heard about Couch Surfing, but didn't really know what it was until now - thanks for sharing! :) You're knowledge and first hand experience is greatly appreciated. I really want to travel - and there are so many ways to do it. It's nice to have recommendations from someone who knows what they are doing

  3. Wow! I had no idea this kind of website existed! I don't know when I'll be doing any traveling (not any time soon) but I will keep this site in mind for when I do.
